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Donation Email Template Builder
Donation Email Template Builder

Create your own Custom Donation Receipt Emails

Gary Armstrong avatar
Written by Gary Armstrong
Updated over a week ago

Whether you're needing just one customized donation receipt email or you'd like to create a custom donation receipt email for each Cause that you have set up, the Txt2Give Email Template Builder has just what you need!

You might be asking, "What if I don't want to create a custom donation receipt email? I'm happy with the default donation receipt..." - In that case, you don't need to read any further! Our default design is in place and there's nothing else for you to do!

For those of you that DO want to customize your donation receipt emails, just login to the Txt2Give dashboard and follow along with the following directions...

In the dashboard, click on Giving > Donation Email Templates

Either click the link to Create One or click the button, New Template

Next, you'll be able to name your template, select the language, and select the Cause that you'd like for this email template to be assigned to. If you don't want this template to be assigned to a specific Cause, but would rather it be used as a general or "master" email template for the entire account, just leave this field blank.

Below, in the Email Builder section, you'll see the default design that in place. You do something as basic as simply adding your own message by editing the text, or you can completely redesign the email using the design elements found on the right side panel. Just drag and drop the elements that you'd like to use into their desired location on the email layout.

You'll also notice that you can toggle between a computer preview mode and a mobile preview mode - found in the bottom left corner of the Email Builder.

Be sure to click the Save Template button found at the bottom left corner of the screen when you are finish making your adjustments.

Once you have your design finished, you still have one more step before the new donation email will start going out. You'll notice that under the Donation Email Template Details, that the template is not yet Active. To activate your new template, just click the menu button found in the top right corner, and select Activate.

When your email template is activated, you'll notice that where the Active status was NO, it is now YES.

And that's it! Just repeat these steps to create as many email templates as you need or if you need to update your donation receipt from time to time.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, don't hesitate to hop on a support chat by click the round Chat button found in the bottom corner of your screen or email us at

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