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Connect Txt2Give to Fellowship One
Connect Txt2Give to Fellowship One

This shows how to connect your Txt2Give account to your Fellowship One account so donations will be entered in F1 correctly.

Gary Armstrong avatar
Written by Gary Armstrong
Updated over a week ago

Before your Txt2Give donations can be inserted into your Fellowship One account, you'll need to connect the two systems together.  Watch the video above, or follow the instructions below.

Step 1 - Granting Access

In Fellowship One:

  1. Click Admin

  2. Under Integrations, click Applications

  3. Click Txt2Give under 3rd party applications

  4. Click Grant Access

Above: Message stating that the Txt2Give 3rd party application is now enabled.

Step 2 - Create a new Fellowship One Security Role

  1. Click Admin

  2. Under Security Setup, click Security Roles

  3. Click "+ Add " at the top right of the table of roles

  4. Give your new role a name, such as Txt2Give.  Also give it a description if you'd like.

  5. Under Access Rights, select the following rights:
    5.1  Contribution Read
    5.2 Contribution Write
    5.3 Address Edit
    5.4 Communication Edit
    5.5 People Edit
    5.6 Relationship Read

  6. Make sure Active is checked and click Save Role

Step 3 - Create a new Fellowship One Portal User

Txt2Give needs a portal user to connect to your Fellowship One account.  If you already have one with the correct rights (see Step 2) then you can just use that one.  If not, or you'd just like to create one specifically for Txt2Give, follow the steps in this section.

  1. Click Admin

  2. Under Security Setup, click Portal Users

  3. Click "+ Add" at the top right of the table of users

  4. Fill in the following required fields:
    4.1  Username
    4.2 First Name
    4.3 Last Name
    4.4 Active (checked)
    4.5 Password
    4.6 Validate Password

  5. You'll also need to click Link person, and choose the Fellowship One person record you'd like to link the new portal user to.  This should obviously be someone on your staff.  This person will also be the one that's attributed to recording all the contribution receipts for Txt2Give.

  6. Click Add new portal user

Step 4 - Connecting Txt2Give to Fellowship One

In your Txt2Give dashboard:

  1. Hover over My Account, then click Settings

  2. Click Edit (found in menu button in top right corner)

  3. Scroll down to the section titled ChMS Settings

  4. Select Fellowship One from the drop down

  5. Enter your Fellowship One Church Code.  This is the same code you enter when you log into Fellowship One (see screenshot below)

  6. Click Update Organization

  7. Scroll back down to ChMS Settings again and click Connect to Fellowship One. This will redirect you to the Fellowship One authorization screen.

  8. Enter the username and password used when creating your portal user in the previous step, and click ALLOW.

  9. You will be redirected back to the Txt2Give dashboard, and should see a message stating the connection was successful.

Above: Fellowship one login screen that shows church code field

Step 5 - Contribution Type and Sub Type (optional)

You can designate a contribution type and sub type that will be used when creating the Fellowship One contribution receipts.  Contributions sub type can be very useful when filtering contribution receipts, allowing you to only show ones entered from Txt2Give. 

We recommend setting Contribution Type to Credit Card.  If you decide to use Contribution Sub Type, you can either use one of existing sub types (if defined), or create a new one.  We recommend creating a new sub type called Txt2Give.  If you'd rather not create a new sub type, skip the following numbered section.  

Here's how to create a new contribution sub type in Fellowship One:

  1. Click Giving

  2. Under Setup, click Sub Types

  3. Select the desired Contribution Type from the list.  We recommend choosing Credit Card.

  4. In the Contribution sub type field, enter the name you'd like to use for the new sub type.  We recommend the name Txt2Give.

  5. Make sure Active is checked.

  6. Click Add sub type

To set the contribution type (and optionally, sub type), in the Txt2Give dashboard:

  1. Hover over My Account and click Settings

  2. Click Edit (found in menu button in top right corner)

  3. Scroll down to the section titled ChMS Settings

  4. Select the Fellowship One Contribution Type you'd like to use for contribution receipts entered by Txt2Give

  5. Optionally, select the Fellowship One Contribution Sub Type you'd like to use for contribution receipts entered by Txt2Give

  6. Click Update Organization

Step 6 - Link Your Causes

Next, you will need to link each of your Txt2Give Causes to a Fellowship One Fund, and optionally a Sub fund. In your Txt2Give dashboard:

  1. Hover over Giving and click Causes

  2. Click the Edit link to the far right of a Cause

  3. In the drop down under the Location checkbox, select the appropriate Fellowship One Fund for which you'd like to link this Cause

  4. Optionally, you can also select the appropriate Fellowship One Sub fund, if applicable

  5. Click Update Cause

  6. Repeat steps 2 - 4 above for each Cause

Step 7 - Test your integration

Before you roll things out to your church, it's a good idea to do a few test donations to make sure you've got everything set up and mapped correctly.  Some things to check after making a test donation are:

  • The contribution receipt is entered into Fellowship One

  • The correct Fellowship One fund is specified

  • The correct Fellowship One sub fund is specified (if set above)

  • The correct contribution type is used (if set above)

  • The correct contribution sub type is used (if set above)

That's it!  Your integration with Fellowship One is now complete.

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