Giving Keywords are used by donors to start a text donation. By default, our system-wide Giving Keyword is GIVE.
Giving Keywords can be account-wide, or linked to a specific Cause.
If the keyword is account-wide, the donor will get the opportunity to choose from a list of your Causes when making a donation.
If the keyword is linked to a specific Cause, the list of Causes will not be shown, and the donation will automatically be attributed to the linked Cause.
When creating a Giving Keyword, you can add an optional auto-responder. This is simply text that will be sent as the first reply after the donor texts the keyword, followed by the usual system message for starting a donation.
You can use the auto-responder to do things like:
Let the donor know why their donation is so important
Remind them that their donation is tax-deductable
Let them know the goal for the current campaign
Tell them that a survey will be emailed to them after their donation is complete
Anything else you can imagine!
Creating a Giving Keyword
To create a Giving Keyword:
Click Giving, then Keywords
Click New Giving Keyword
Enter the keyword you'd like to use, and optionally set the auto-responder
Click Create Giving Keyword
That's it! Your new keyword is ready to use.
Giving Keywords are great to use during a focused campaign when you want to steer donation dollars to a specific Cause without making the donor pick the Cause from a list. You can also combine a Giving Keyword with a Hidden Cause, so be sure to check those out, too!