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How does Txt2Give match records in Church Community Builder?
How does Txt2Give match records in Church Community Builder?
Gary Armstrong avatar
Written by Gary Armstrong
Updated over a week ago

When a donation is made with Txt2Give, we search your Church Community Builder site in real time for the correct person using their name and phone number. If we can't find a match, we then search by email address only.

If either of these searchers produce a single match, we will create an online giving record and attach it to that person. We will include the Txt2Give reference number, as well as the transaction ID in the notes.

No records found

If we don't find a match in CCB, this is what happens:

  • A new Person is created

  • An online giving record is created and attributed to the new Person

More than one record found

Sometimes we may find more than one person in CCB that matches the information given in Txt2Give. When this happens, we can't automatically enter the donation in your CCB site because we don't know which person record is the correct one.

In this case, we add the donation to CCB but leave it unmatched. The donation will then show up in CCB as not being attributed to anyone, and it will be up to you to find the correct person in CCB and match it manually.

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