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Auto-Engage Feature

Custom automatic text responses

Gary Armstrong avatar
Written by Gary Armstrong
Updated over a week ago

Here at Txt2Give, donations are our "Main" service, but we're always looking for ways to add value for you, our valued customers! "Auto-Engage keywords" features allows you to create custom automatic replies that are sent out when your donors text in. The automatic replies can send a simple message or redirect them to another website.

Continue reading for a full rundown on how Auto-Engage Keywords work and instructions on how to get started using them today!

Before we get started, there are a few important items you should know about, regarding the Auto-Engage Feature.

  • Message Credits: To utilize our Auto-Engage feature, you'll need to first purchase message credits. Message credits are purchased in groups of 200 for $12 ($0.06/credit) or 500 for $25 ($0.05/credit). Each Auto-Response uses 2 message credits - 1 for the message received + 1 for the Auto-Response sent.

  • Opt-Ins: To be able to send a message to a donor, you first have to have their permission to do so - that permission is stored in our system as an Opt-In. Because the Auto-Engage feature requires that the donor make the first contact, this isn't anything that you'll need to keep tabs on, it is simply something to be aware of. If any messages are sent to a donor without an Opt-In, your number becomes at risk of being flagged a SPAM, which is something you don't want!


To get started, simply log in to your Txt2Give dashboard and click Engagement > Keywords. Here you'll find your main interface, where you can see how many sending credits you have for your "Auto-Engage Replies", as well as the option to purchase additional message credits, your created keywords, and the number of "Opt-Ins" for each keyword.

Creating a New Engagement Keyword:

Click "New Engagement Keyword", found in the top right corner of the page.

Next, enter the keyword that you're creating in the field labeled "Value" and insert the custom response that you'd like to send. This custom message should be less than 160 characters and CAN contain clickable links. Be sure to click "Submit", when you are finished.

Once your new keyword is created, be sure to test it to make sure it performs in the way that you intended. In the example below, we've shared a link and included a quick reminder on how to make a donation.

Purchasing Message Credits:

We've done our best to make managing your message credits as simple as possible. Your available message credits are visible on the "Engagement Keywords" page in the dashboard, also shown are the total messages sent, as well as the number of messages sent only this month. To purchase additional credits simply click the bundle of credits you wish to purchase. You will be prompted to confirm your purchase and that's it! Your new credits will be added.

Managing Opt-Ins:

As mentioned earlier in this article - the "Opt-Ins" page probably isn't super important to you at this point, since all interactions start with the donor messaging in. However, you can easily export your list of people that have opted-in using your Auto-Engage Keyword. You'll see their phone number, the keyword that they used, and the date that they opted in. This information will become more valuable as we continue to develop our system.

If you have any questions about the new Auto-Engage feature please reach out to our support team by emailing (, clicking on our support chat icon in the lower corner of your dashboard, or giving us a call at 888-604-6536.

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