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Connect Txt2Give to Payeezy
Gary Armstrong avatar
Written by Gary Armstrong
Updated over a week ago

Connecting a gateway is a mandatory step that must be completed before you will be able to accept donations.

To connect a payment gateway, select My Account, then click on Gateways.

Next, click either New Gateway or Create One.

From the drop-down menu, select the kind of gateway you are connecting.

Select Payeezy

To connect your Payeezy Gateway, you'll need your Gateway ID, Terminal Password, Key ID, and HMAC Key. If you have trouble locating the required information, you can contact Payeezy Customer Support by phone at 1 (855) 448-3493 or email

Gateway ID & Terminal Password (Instructions from Payeezy)

The Gateway ID can be found under the Administration tab under Terminals and then Details. Also from that screen, you can set up your password by clicking on "Generate" or change the existing password. Password must be a minimum of 8 characters with at least one letter and number and should contain only letters, numbers, dashes (-), and underscores (_). You must then click on "Update" at the bottom of that screen.

When using the automatic generator to create a password, the generator creates a 32 character password.

The Password Generator for the API Interface (located on the Terminal Screen in the RPM) has been updated; it will now generate a 32 character password.

If a shopping cart is integrated to a merchant (now) they won't be affected.

Password Generation/Use:

  • Log into GGe4

  • Access Terminal details screen

  • Copy your Gateway ID and paste it into your cart

  • Select the Generate Password, this option will create a new 32 character password

  • Copy the Password and paste it into your cart

For carts that do not accept 32 characters

  • You can do one of the following steps:

  • An error will be generated when you attempt to paste/input or save the 32 character password

A) Create your own password (manually enter) in the GGe4 Terminal Screen and update both the Gateway and the Cart with this new value or

B) Delete the extra characters in the Gateway generated Password and then update both the Gateway and the cart with this new value

C) Update the Terminal after either generating or creating the password.

Key ID and HMAC Key (Instructions from Payeezy)

Beginning with v12 of the API, an SHA-1 HMAC hash calculation is offered to increase the security of transaction processing through this interface. Use of this hash value is mandatory for every transaction when utilizing the v12 version of the WS API.

HMAC Key & Calculator

The key used for the HMAC calculation can be obtained through the Realtime Payment Manager interface when using a Merchant Administrator account. To access the key, navigate to the Administration -> Terminals area, then by clicking on the desired terminal. Note that each terminal will have a key unique to it.

Clicking "Generate New Key" will generate a new key, and an email notification will be sent to all Merchant Administrators of that account alerting them of this change. The key will be displayed in plain text when it is generated but will not be saved until the "Update" button is clicked.

Note: After this step has been taken, it will not be possible to view the key in plain text again so if this value is not stored it will be necessary to generate a new key.

Do a test donation

Do not skip this step! Your unique giving information is included in the Welcome email that we sent. Doing a test donation is how you will know if your connection was successful or not. If you receive an error, that is coming from Payeezy's system letting you know that your connection was not successful. Let us know if you receive an error during your test donation and we will help you to resolve the issue. You can contact us at

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